Solar Rain Bottled Water Company, Inc.         © 2011   SolarRain

striving for healthy people and a happy planet

Why drink water?
The importance of hydration.

Why is water important to your health?

Water is absolutely essential to the human body's survival. A person can live for about a month without food, but for only about a week without water.

Water transports and helps to absorb nutrients in the body. It is essential for good circulation and it helps increase energy levels. If you feel fatigue in the middle of the day, it might be due to dehydration. Water wards off headaches, helps with digestion and prevents constipation. It cushions joints and vital organs, moistens oxygen for breathing and transports oxygen to the body’s cells.

Water helps to maintain a healthy body weight by increasing metabolism and regulating appetite. It flushes out waste and bacteria that can cause disease. Drinking adequate amounts of water has been known to decrease the risk of certain types of cancers, including colon cancer, bladder cancer, and breast cancer.

Water naturally moisturizes skin and helps give it a healthy, glowing appearance, which is something we all can appreciate.


   drink up...

it’s good for you in so many ways.

water stats:

our bodies are

almost 2/3s water


the brain is 75% water


our blood is 92% water


our bones are 22% water


our muscles are 75% water